Friday, January 6, 2012

Three Kings Day

Puerto Rico has an extra-long holiday season. It starts at Thanksgiving and runs until mid-January. With about 90% of the population being Christian, the Christmas season is a big deal here. While you may think that Christmas is the big day, tradition dictates that it is the Epiphany or Three Kings’ Day or Día de los Tres Reyes Magos (which falls on January 6th each year) that is the biggest holiday in all the island.

The Three Kings of the Epiphany are the guys who followed the star to Bethlehem, to offer the baby Jesus presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh 12 days after he was born. So, unlike some cultures that have Santa bringing the presents on Christmas eve, Spanish cultures have Los Reyes Magos, who come to people’s homes on the night of January 5th (La Vípera de Reyes or the Eve of Three Kings Day) to bring them presents. Here, in Puerto Rico, Santa does come on Christmas, and December 25th is a celebration, but tradition dictates that Three Kings Day is the big deal.

Kids write their wish lists to their favorite king (Melchor, Baltazar or Gaspar), and they leave out snacks for the Three Kings (and grass for their camels) before they go to bed. On January 6th, there are huge family gatherings with lots of traditional foods. It’s lots of fun to participate in these traditional celebrations.
One of the cool things about Puerto Rico is that they never loose the spirit of the Holidays. When you visit the island, you can see the Three Kings depicted everywhere, all year long. They are frequently painted, crafted, or carved from wood, and on display regardless of the season.

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