Monday, January 16, 2012

Isla Caja de Muertos

Ryan and I took a weekend trip to the south of the island called Ponce, Puerto Rico (second largest city on the island, San Juan is the largest). We stayed the night in the Hilton Golf & Casino Resort and woke up bright and early to catch the ferry over to Isla Caja de Muertos.

View from our balcony as the sun was setting.

Being an island, the only way to get there is via boat. Island Ventures operates a ferry boat that runs between Ponce and the island on weekends. They make 1 trip per day — departing from La Guancha Marina at 8:30am and departing from the island at 3:30pm. The boat trip takes about 35-45 minutes. The ferry holds 125 people, but the day we went there were only about 25 people on board. The ferry has 2 decks, a covered lower deck and an open-air upper deck. They sell drinks and water on the ferry, and it has restrooms.

Our view pulling up to the island.

Isla Caja de Muertos is located 8 miles off the coast, south of Ponce. It is a small island, just about 1½ miles long and about ½ mile wide. It is a nature reserve, with beautiful beaches, hiking trails, a light house and a cave. There are some reefs off the north-eastern side of the island, but you need a boat to get to them. And there are other beaches on the east side of the island, but they are roped off during turtle-nesting season. The water was absolutely breathtaking and we had so much fun snorkeling and soaking up the sun!

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