Saturday, February 25, 2012

Arecibo, PR

Arecibo is the largest city in geographical size on the island. Its about 45 mins away from our home. There are beaches in San Juan, but they get filled with tourist and get crowded. So for us it was worth the drive. There are two large rocks near this beach and as the waves crash against them it shoots the water in the air. The waves break really good here and there were a lot of surfers and I enjoyed watching them. Ryan didn't surf, but he did boogie board and had a blast.
 Enjoying the sun and the beach!
 Ryan found some glasses while boogie boarding...
This is a little lagoon made by the rocks. It looks kinda crowded, but on either side of the rocks there was hardly anyone. There was also a lighthouse up on a hill beside the beach too. When the water hit the rocks it would make a loud BOOM.

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