Monday, February 13, 2012


How did Bella go from a pound dog to Princess Bella in just a couple of weeks!?! I put her outside in the mornings so she can go to the bathroom. But the grass has a little bit of dew on it. So she balances on a 3 inch ledge so her paws won't get damp... really Bella?? lol At least I always know when she's finished going to the bathroom. Wonder where she got this princess attitude from...?
After bathroom, ledge balancing, breakfast, and play time she gets tired and takes a quick snooze. She is not a very modest sleeper.
When I sing to Bella she gives me this face. LOL
Ryan calls Bella an ankle bitter and says she looks like a hyena, but yet I catch him rolling on the floor loving and playing with her and kicking her back to give her a belly rub. He says all those things, but I know shes got him wrapped around her little paw!
I caught them taking a nap together on the couch. So sweet!! She's such a toot, but I think everything she does is so dang cute! She has my heart : )

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