Thursday, February 9, 2012

Guavate, Puerto Rico

We headed out to Guavate for lunch this past Sunday with another couple from our neighborhood. It was about 45 drive from our house. It is basically outdoor restaurants that specialize in seasoned whole-pig, slow roasted over an open fire. There are also various side dishes like rice and pigeon peas, cassava, breadfruit, sweet potato, blood sausage, and yellow or green plantains (I really like the plantains). Even Anthony Bourdain, of No Reservations on the TravelChannel, came to Guavate on his trip here to taste this specialty. Guavate offers very authentic food, cooler temperatures because its up in the mountains, and great live music.
I love meat, but I just don't want to see the face of the meat im eating!! I makes me sad/ grossed out : ( But it was fun watching as they hack up the pork with a machete. The cutting boards are all concave from years of hacking and it was very reasonably priced. You get a plateful for about $6.
I wasn't excepting it to be so quaint, with nice pavillions and a natural spring running through the middle.
This is what Ryan looks like after he eats too! He had to kick back for a few minutes before we walked around.
I have never seen this before till I moved here. Its a gambling toy horse game called "Pica." You bet on a horse (every horse as a number) and if it lands on yours you win. It kind of reminds me of roulette.

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